a deep, intense yearning
born of a blessed hope
that purifies
by virtue of its purity
a peace that passes understanding
and the inexorable
innate joy
that accompanies it
in expansive
calmly flowing motion
an incredibly profound
almost tangible quiet
that perfuses the air
with its aura
a catharsis
an abstruse meditation
on past experience
present disposition
and future hope
as time lies suspended
in utter stasis
A vision
a lofty, awe-inspiring vision
of the future world
in all its exalted grandeur
the longing returns
in full force
the entire being cries out
its every capacity
stretched to the limit
not a resolution of fulfillment
but of sustenance
a sustenance which empowers
to walk by faith
rather than sight
a weariness of heart
seeking consolation
in undisquieted rest
the world undergoes evaporation
in an incredibly profound quiet
as an aura
of transfigured acceptance
perfuses the air
a wisp of vision
on yonder heights
in the sunshine
the day is beautiful . . .
dying away . . .
dissolving . . .
evaporating . . . . |